

Interior Designer

Hey, it's Miranda.

You know that idea in your head that says my home has to be trendy and clean to be loved? I am here to tell you that life is not picture perfect, and honestly none of us have the Pinterest worthy home at every moment. Life is supposed to be loved. To me that means dancing around the furniture, making big messes in the kitchen with my kids, and having our front door ever revolving with family and friends looking to feel the warmth of our home.

I am on a mission to share my ideas and experience with you on how to build love at home. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved to design meaningful spaces. Beginning with elaborate homes designed for my Barbies to actually applying my creativity to the walls of our own home. Bless my parents hearts as they supported this. They endured the ever changing layout and design of my own bedroom. From bright green walls that glowed florescent into the streets of the neighborhood, to the pink from top to bottom Victoria Secret inspired teen aged girl space. So what I am saying here is,  as long as I can remember I have gotten a bit lost in the world of interior design and even though the designs may have been more learning experiences than actual works of art they are what have gotten me to where I am today.

Now I wish I could say I knew myself well enough to go for an Interior Design career right from the start, but that just wouldn’t fit my feel it out personality. I originally worked to obtain my Bachelors Degree in Organizational and Leadership Communication. I utilized this in organizing retreats and networking events for business leaders. While I enjoyed rubbing shoulders with great people everyday and helping provide beautiful and fun events I quickly realized this was not a good fit long term for me when we were expecting our first son. I knew I wanted to work for myself, build something of my own, and most importantly have the flexibility to work on my own terms while spending most of my time and effort building a home filled with love for my own people.

This pushed me to pursue design once and for all. I obtained my Interior Design Certification online during the 2020 pandemic shut down and went to work helping family and friends with new home builds and remodel projects to gain experience. Today I am so please to be applying my gained and growing skills to my own home. We are taking our beautiful twenty year old traditional southwest home and slowly updating it and making it all our own. Surrounded by my sweet boys I am focused on creating a home that is happy and homey for all of us. As I ease into this new business I am delighted to have you along on my journey. We will laugh together as I make some inevitable design choice fails, and celebrate together as things come together in beautiful bliss!

I will be sharing the good, beautiful, and the ugly! That’s what life is about after all. I want to help you design a life that you love. Not just how it looks, but how it truly feels. So follow along for design tips, tricks, favorites, deals, projects, and inspiration. I will also be sharing my favorite ways to create peace, love, and happiness in the walls of our own home. Focusing on family and friends and creating a space where you love to be with your people. Because for me that’s what home is all about. Love. Now let’s get to designing your home as a place you love. One detail at a time.

Love always,



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